#11: Time to March to a Different Drummer

So, I was no longer in Canada or with my paternal grandmother, I was now enjoying country living at it’s most basic with my maternal grandparents; it was time for me to go feral. Part of becoming a feral child is to stick out your tongue most of the time so you can taste the air for predators or prey and to catch the occasional bug flying by too. My grandparents were great to me. I was living in a village of about 100 people and everyone was pretty much related – let’s not discuss inbreeding! So, I was pretty much allowed to just run around as a small child. Everyone knew me, I knew everyone. It literally took a village to raise me.

pre prom 1 2015 (1876)

Me with my grandmother.

1967 60

One thought on “#11: Time to March to a Different Drummer

  1. lynne

    Wow you really did live in a small village and was raised by one that can be good so much freedom to run and do what you want to do


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